There is not enough space for me to inform you of all the people I have connected with and who I believe compliment me as a physiotherapist, so if you don't see what you are looking for in your area, then contact me and I will see if I can give you a recommendation.
Email Becky at beckyastonphysio@gmail.com
The Bladder and Bowel Foundation
The Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Association
The Continence Foundation of Australia
The Vulval Pain Society
Women's Health
Amy Stein
Amy Stein is a fantastic American Womens Health Physiotherapist who has developed a programme of exercise to aid in the allevation of pelvic pain.
Natalie Greene
Natalie runs Greene Wellbeing in Chehsam and performs the most beautiful pregnancy and non pregnancy massages, facials, pedicures and more, using all natural plant based products
Dr Barton
An expert is supporting women through the menopause. DR Barton has a holistic approach at supporting women in making the right choices for them in peri and post menopause
Emma Harwood-Jones
Emma is a hypnobirthing Practitioner based in Berkhamsted. She has a passion for supporting couples through delivery and offers bespoke courses for couples. She also writes great blogs, have a look at her website:
Natalie Greene
Natalie is fabulous and runs the B Club in Chesham, which provides treatments and classes on the needs of mothers and mothers to be. She has a wealth of experience in pregnancy massage and also runs the most delightful baby massage courses. She is such a lovely person with amazingly healing hands
Vanessa Barker
Post natal fitness recommendations - Vanessa has a wealth of experience in personal training and runs a very comprehensive restore your core programme for post natal Mums, she really knows her stuff and will have you looking and feeling amazing.
Pear Projects
Sarah runs the fantastic core restore programme which is a must for all women who are post natal or have a weakened stability system. Sarah is fun and fabulous.
Laura Sandilands
Laura is another expert of pre and post natal exercise, offering great Pilates classes, she is also an ante natal educator and offers support to ladies in pregnancy and beyond